Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Make a Photo Cube

Finished Photo Cube by Fuego Phoenix

This idea taken from the book, Decorating with Papercraft, by Clare Youngs.
I modified the idea, by adding color photographs, and decorative borders. You may
opt for a "no frills" look, keeping it simple with only photos.

Adding gold cardstock to the bottom

Copyright c. 2013 Fuego Phoenix All Rights Reserved

Trim I used called fancy frills cardboard stickers by doodlebug design, inc.

Here's what you need:

5 photographs of your family, child or favorite pet
1 sheet of cardstock or watercolor paper at least 16 inches by 12 inches
utility knife
glue stick, Elmer's glue, or Mod Podge glue
masking tape or scotch tape
1 sheet of decorative paper or gold cardstock
optional: fancy cardstock stickers for framing, found at Hobby Lobby in the scrapbook section

Enlarge the template shown above to 400 percent, depending on the size of
your photos. (Our photos were 4 inches by 6 inches, so we made our cube with 4 inch by
4 inch dimensions. Cut out the template, and fold on the dotted lines

Score along dotted lines, then fold along the edges. Tape on the inside and outside
corners. Fold the top in place, and tape.

Add colored paper to what will be the bottom of your cube. Take a piece of paper,
crease it over the edges of the cube, then cut out. Glue into place, leaving enough
to go over the edges to the sides of the cube.

Take one of the photographs, center it over one of the sides of the cube. Trim
as needed. Place glue all over the side of the cube where the photo will go. Press
the photo lightly in place. Wipe off any excess glue with a cloth. Repeat this step
for the other sides, and top of the cube.

This step is optional.
To finish off the edges, where the photos didn't meet exactly,  I added trim
from fancy frills borders by doodlebug design, inc. These are a perfect detail
for the cube. They add a nice touch, and come in all colors.

Enlarge template 400 percent to accomodate 4 inch photos. Cut on the solid lines, fold on the dotted lines.

Buy Easy Crafts on a Budget for Kids 4 to 104 here:

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