Monday, June 17, 2013

Kids Decorative Wall Letter

This is a fun and easy paper project.

You need : a piece of foam board
                  an X acto knife
                  modpodge glue or elmers glue
                  a ruler or t square
                  decorative trim
                  or felt tip markers
                  a paint brush

Look at fonts on the internet, in a newspaper or in a magazine, to get ideas for the style of letters

you want to make. Sketch the letters on the foam board using your ruler, and then cut out.
Take your decorative trim, and add it to the letter free style. Tape any loose ends on the back side of the foam board. You can use markers to draw designs on the letter, or create pictures on the letter.
Another option would be to cut out pictures from magazines and glue them down to the letter.

Once you have your designs on the letter, coat with 2 layers of glue. Hang it on a wall
as a decoration.

If you'd like to have it stand up on a shelf, cut out two letters in the beginning, and glue them
together before adding the designs.

Foam board letter cut out

Add decorative trim

Finished letter ready to hang.

Easy Crafts on a Budget for Kids 4 to 104 delights crafters with unusual paper crafts, eclectic fabric crafts, divine cardboard crafts and special crafts made from recycled materials. The crafts heighten geometry comprehension, enhance problem solving skills, delight the imagination, and are purely fun to create!
The kindle version is now available for a major discount.

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