Monday, June 24, 2013

Cat Scratcher Toy

We were at a pet store the other day, looking at the cats, and checking out
products, when I was inspired by this idea. I don't know that this falls under
the "crafts" category, but I'm sharing it anyway.

I am trying to encourage my cat to play with his toys, rather than
scratch my furniture.

This project is easy, fast and uses a recycled plastic pop bottle and

You need:  1 plastic bottle about 20 ounce size
                  Jute twine
                  Masking tape and Glue

Tape an end of twine to the lower part of your plastic bottle. Start wrapping
the container tightly with twine. As you wrap, push the twine down, so that
it is wound with no gaps. It may get a little tricky on the curves. I had
to tape over the twine with masking tape, to hold it in place, as I reached
the upper part of the container.

Add glue as you go. When you've wrapped the entire container, add
glue; cut the end of twine and press down on the glue. Tape over
the twine end, to hold in place while the glue dries. VOILA!
You've made a fun cat scratcher for your cat.

Hint: Before cutting the twine, when you've finished wrapping your bottle, you
may form a long loop, to hang the "scracher" over a door knob, so that it
will easily be reached by your cat. Just tape in place and glue the ends down,
and wrap more twine over the ends, to hold the loop in place.

It took a couple of days, before my cat would play with it. Now he
grabs it and rolls it around and chases it! 

This is fun. I can grab it with my claws.

"It's mine. You can't have it"

"I told you it's mine."

Buy Easy Crafts on a Budget for Kids 4 to 104, a great book for parents here:


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