Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Mask from Paper Plates

As Halloween approaches, we like to  make crafts that

are easy and fun.  This paper plate mask can be created by any age group,
but suits 4 to 7 year olds best.

Your kids can let their imaginations run wild.
Create super heroes, monsters, story book
characters, or design a "monster" of your own.

My grandson created this "leaf" monster, which has only one eye.
We cut leaves out of green construction paper, pasted them
on the paper plate, then cut out the "eye" and drew in the teeth,
and glued "horns" on top. You can create a half mask to fit over
your childs nose, or cut out eyes, nose and mouth. Your options
are open.
Copyright 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights reserved.

For this project you will need:  Paper Plates
                                                  Construction Paper
                                                  felt tip pens
                                                  Glue Sticks or Elmers glue
                                                  Glitter string or pipe cleaners

Draw a design on the plate.
Cut out holes for the eyes.
Cut out shapes of different colors of construction paper and glue all over the mask.
Draw details in with felt tip pens.
When the mask is finished, punch two tiny holes on the middle sides of the mask.
Thread the glitter string through the holes of the mask (about 8 inches on each side),
and twist one end around.
Fit the mask to your childs face, then twist the two long ends around each other, so
the mask will stay on.
Enjoy playing in character!

For more fun crafts buy Easy Crafts on a Budget for Kids 4 to 104 here.

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