Monday, May 6, 2013

Art From Recycled Materials

The sculpture above is made from recycled coke cans.

I am very excited about art made from recycled materials.
It's wonderful to see beauty coming from things we use everyday, not
to mention beauty made out of items that are clogging our oceans.

I'm always looking for new ways to repurpose food cans,
boxes, metal parts, plastic bottles, furniture, wood, and other items.

Today, I'm sharing some inspiring work, made from recycled plastic,
metal parts, electronics, tires, wood, guns (yes guns) and glass. While
these are not easy projects, I'm sharing in the hopes the art work will
inspire you to create your own recycled art!

The sculpture to the left is made
from rotten river wood.

The centipede to the right is made from
recycled cake pans.

The giant 22 foot sculpture to the left is made
from recycled polystyrene foam.

These sculptures are made from discarded electronics, by WeeeMan

The rocking chair above and the elephant to the
left are made from recycled guns.

The horse sculpture to the right is made
from recycled tires.
The photo to the right is reposted from

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