Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rustic Furniture Repair

Armoire by Fuego Phoenix. Copyright c. 2013. All Rights Reserved
I have an armoire that I upcycled a few years ago. I spent 300 plus hours, creating handmade leather
and fabric trims to enhance this solid wood item and change it to a Moroccan style show piece.

My cat liked the trims for sharpening his claws. He destroyed one side of the front. I decided to repair the damage, and to take preventative measures.
Cat destroyed trim.

Luckily, I had fabric remnants used for the original handmade trims. I cut out two pieces of matching fabric strips, and ironed the edges under. I ripped out the old staples, and cardboard tacking strip which had held them in place. I slipped the new fabric under the old, matching the designs,
then stapled in place.
New trim being added. Copyright c. 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.

New trim. Copyright c. 2013. Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.

I bought 3/8 inch plywood at Home Depot and had it cut into two pieces that would fit over
the sides of the armoire, to make "cat scratchers" for the sides. I bought jute twine to wrap around the plywood.
Jute wrapped plywood. Copyright c. 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.

I spread glue on one side and let it dry.

Adding glue to twine covered plywood. Copyright c. 2013. Fuego Phoenix All Rights Reserved.
Next, I nailed the plywood pieces to the sides of the armoire, so each one extends about
an inch on the front. Now the cat has a scratcher, and the trims are safe from being destroyed!
Panel added to side of armoire. Copyright c. 2013 Fuego Phoenix. 'All Rights Reserved.

Trim Repaired. Copyright c. 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.

I also made a smaller 4 x 18 inch cat scratcher with plywood and jute twine for my cat to play with. You know what's funny? My cat is no longer interested in scratching the armoire!
I like the rustic look of the jute side panels.

For family craft projects check out: Easy Crafts on A Budget for Kids 4 to 104

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