Saturday, December 21, 2013

For Kids who like to Cook

Copyright 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.
This is a fun idea for an easy to make gift for kids who like to cook.
It's fun, and your little ones will enjoy the custom size of these handmade oven mitt, while
they're making their favorite dish!

Copyright 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.

What you need:
Fabric Scraps
Drawing paper
Pen or felt tip pen
Straight pins
Needle and thread
an old towel that's clean

Take a piece of drawing paper, and draw around your child's hand onto the paper.
Add an inch all the way around the drawing, then cut out 2 pieces.

Copyright 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2013 Fuego Phoenix. All Rights Reserved.
Take each piece and place over the towel, then cut out. You can stitch along the edges,
or just pin the two "hands" together.

Cut out a 5 inch wide piece of fabric for the border where the hand goes into the mitt.
The width will vary depending on the size of your mitt. Press the edges under, then
pin in place.

Measure the mitt from the top corner of the mitt around the hand portion, the thumb portion,
then all the way to the other top corner. Cut out a strip of fabric that is 2 1/2 inches wide
by whatever length you get. Press the edges in 1/4 inch, and then press the piece in half down
the length so the it looks like a ribbon.Pin in place, with the pressed edges folded under.
Eyeball the trim, so that half the trim makes a finished "ribbon" around the edge of the mitt.
You can either stitch it on the machine, or hand sew into place.
You're done!

For more fun craft ideas buy Easy Crafts on a Budget for Kids 4 to 104.